Cookie statement

Flower of Sounds uses functional and analytical cookies which are needed for the platform to function optimally. Cookies are small information files in which we can store information, so that you do not have to fill in this information again when you return to our website.

This is done through the web browser of your device (such as your PC, tablet or smartphone). The information that can be transmitted by a cookie, over the use of our website, can be transferred to the servers of a third party. Below an explanation of the specific types of cookies you may want to accept.Beware: updated cookie settings are only saved in the web browser you are using at that moment.

We use the following kinds of cookies:
Functional and anonymous analytics cookies: Functional cookies are needed for the platform to function. With the anonymous analytics cookies, we gather anonymous data which is combined and aggregated for general analysis. Because these cookies are necessary and anonymous, you don’t have to consent. To all other kinds of cookies, you may provide your consent as you wish.

Analytics (individual tracking): These cookies are used to track your usage over several devices and contact moments and improve the quality of the platform continuously. These cookies are only activated when you give your consent. You can give your consent in your Profile Passport and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Social media: These are cookies to share the contents of our website on social media. Social media networks profile and track their visitors. By accepting these cookies, your internet usage can be tracked.

Advertising Cookies: These are cookies which Flower of Sound uses to measure the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns. By accepting these cookies, advertising networks can track your internet usage.

Experimental cookies: Occasionally Flower of Sound will research and integrate new functionality for the platform which is developed by third parties. These experimental functionalities will always be screened thoroughly and will comply with our Privacy Statement.

These cookies may collect the following data from you:
`Flower of Sound has obliged these parties to handle your personal data confidentially and securely. Additionally, we have ensured that the parties outside the European Union also comply with European privacy legislation when dealing with your personal data. However, we do not have complete control over what they themselves do with the information collected via these cookies. For example, it may be that they have to provide the information to a third party on the basis of a legal obligation.

How to change your cookie settings
You can change your cookie settings on Flower of Sound at any time via the link in the footer of our website.
Generally enabling or disabling cookies can be set via your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome). Deleting cookies is done via your browser as well. Furthermore, you can exactly select which cookies you would like to accept and which cookies you would like to reject. Since the making of these adjustments can vary from browser to browser it might be helpful to use the ‘help’ function of your browser.

For information on how, why and for how long we process your personal data, please see our Privacy Statement.
Any privacy related request can be sent directly to our Data Protection Officer at

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